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I have built and sold businesses. I earned a little, and I made more than my husband. Serving my husband preparing him a meal does not take away from my role as a leader or a female entrepreneur. Why does the current generation feel that submission is dominance? I am the oldest child and was married when I was twenty-one. I do not believe submitting to my husband gives him control or domination over me.

I embrace the power of submission God designed for my husband to be the person that answers to him for the leadership of our home. I willingly relinquish that responsibility to the person God deemed qualified. Submission for women gives us the freedom to have our mine and thoughts without the obligation of the whole household. Serving my husband is a gift to our marriage and each other. I'm grateful for the years that we have worked to complement and not compete with one another.

In today's society, traditional gender roles in marriage are becoming increasingly blurred. Women take on more leadership roles in the workplace and at home, while men take on more domestic responsibilities. However, some still believe in the traditional roles of husband and wife, with the wife submitting to her husband's leadership. This blog will explore the concept of submission in marriage and why some women embrace it.

Today, many women are pursuing careers outside the home and taking on leadership roles in their workplaces. As a result, the traditional roles of husband and wife have become less defined. Some couples have embraced an egalitarian approach to their marriage, sharing domestic and financial responsibilities equally. While this approach works for many couples, some still believe in the traditional roles of husband and wife, with the wife submitting to her husband's leadership.

For some women, submission is not a sign of weakness but rather a choice. They believe that by relinquishing control to their husbands, they can focus on their goals and aspirations without the stress of managing the household. In addition, these women see submission as a gift to their marriage, allowing them to work together as a team, with each partner playing a specific role.

However, some view submission as a form of dominance; they believe that women are giving up their autonomy and agency by submitting to their husbands. This viewpoint is especially prevalent among younger generations who have grown up with more egalitarian ideas about gender roles.

Ultimately, the decision to embrace submission in marriage is a personal one. Each couple needs to decide what works best for them and their relationship. Whether a couple chooses a traditional or egalitarian approach, what matters most is that they work together as a team, with each partner supporting the other and contributing to the success of their marriage.

In conclusion, the concept of submission in marriage has evolved, with some women embracing it as a gift to their marriage and others rejecting it as a form of dominance. While there is no right or wrong answer, couples must communicate openly and honestly about their expectations and desires for their marriage. Couples can create a successful and fulfilling relationship by working together as a team, regardless of their approach to gender roles.

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