The Code Breaker in Marriage: Pride When we are Prideful, we eventually drift to the island of autonomy. When I think of autonomy, I think about "a ton of me." Too much of us is unhealthy; it drives people away and keeps people on the outside of our life, decisions, and world. Wow, I am often blown away by strangers' kindness and their willingness to help and even take advice from me without resistance. I am sure most people have people problems. Michelle Obama, Oprah, Beyoncé, you, and I also share this. The people you know well and love the most are the individuals that do not value your input or your influence most times. Why? I believe we confuse popularity with success. Why do we pay strangers hundreds of dollars for insight and information that people we know offer to us freely? Why do we pay people to take us places they have never been themselves?
The answer is a familiar foe; it's PRIDE! We don't want our loved ones to know we need help or have failed. News flash, they know! The fear of failure is one of the first signs of PRIDE. We all have strengths and growth areas we need each other to grow. God has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness. Relationships are our most valuable gift. We have people we respect and admire from afar; healthy relationships require love and time. Listen to the people you can call, touch, and spend time with. These people will improve your quality of life and relationships and save you money. Remember, your strengths are my weakness, and my weaknesses are your strengths. We are stronger together! Marriage Prayers Prayer: This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad. Lord, please search our hearts and expose anything past or present that has a hold on our life. In Christ Jesus, your life produces freedom and liberty.
We desire to care for our mate as You care for us, without conditions and resentment. Forgive us for passing the blame for our poor behavior onto others. We choose to serve and manage for our mate in a way that reflects Your glory and will be undeniable to the lost and the brokenhearted. Heal our world and restore our families to the Glory of our Father, in Jesus' Name, amen. Prayer: Lord, You are a loving Father and the King of the Kings. As much of a contrast as that may seem to our human mind, we believe it to be true. We love and trust You with every detail of our life.
Today we lay down our Marriages at your feet. Father, Marriage belongs to Your plan to build a strong family, community, and a model to a lost world you love. Your Word tells us that we can do "no-Good" apart from You. We repent for having tried to live as married couples without your Word as our standard. Forgive us. We confess the sin of pride, rebellion, and ignoring your voice. Heal our marriages, restore the joy of our salvation, and multiply the fruits of the Spirit in our lives so that Your Will may be done in earth. Thank you for your grace and mercy. We love you, in Jesus' name, amen!
Prayers: To the everlasting God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, with a heart to change and ears to hear, we will follow your daily instruction. Shape and mold us into the people you created us to be. Teach us how to live a life that is Christ-centered, not self-centered. Guide our communication so that we have healthy conversations with everyone. Lead us by your Spirit to use our mouth to bless others and not curse them. Develop our listening skills and increase our desire to serve our mate so that every need will be met without lack and free of wrong attitudes. Prayers: Strong marriages are the foundation for everything, and we prioritize growing and blossoming.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit! We yield to your authority and are thankful to be children of the only true and living God, in Jesus' Name! Our Prayer: We have a Father that is a reward of those that diligently seek Him. So, with that as our reference, let's give God our life, not our words only. Let's chase the Giver of the rewards, not the awards alone. They will pass away. Our Father will not. We will allow the fruits of the Spirit to become the sum of our life. We will be a generation that makes a difference by having healthy covenant marriages. Rich Relationships for all the world to see so that they will know us by our love, one for another, in Jesus' Name, amen!