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Writer's pictureGil & Renee Beavers


Updated: Mar 11

Greetings, beloved seekers of wisdom and grace. I am Marriage Coach Renee M. Beavers, your guide on this sacred journey through the intricate tapestry of relationships, all anchored in the eternal light of Christ's love. Today, let us delve into the intricate matter of pride from a Christ-centered perspective as we explore the depths of its impact on the realm of relationships.

In the realm of human relationships, pride often presents itself as a formidable adversary, lurking in the shadows, seeking to entangle hearts and minds in its web of deception. From the vantage point of Christ's teachings, pride is not merely an emotion but a state of being that starkly contrasts the virtues of humility, compassion, and selflessness that our Savior exemplified.

In Proverbs 16:18, we are gently reminded, "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." With these words, we are guided to recognize the perilous nature of unchecked pride. As we nurture our relationships, we must be ever-vigilant to identify the seeds of pride that can sow discord and hinder our journey towards unity and understanding.

Imagine, my dear companions on this journey, a marriage where pride reigns supreme. Each partner, entrenched in their own desires, seeks validation and acclaim at the expense of the other. In this arena, the sacred bond of partnership is eroded, for pride barricades the path of open communication and empathy. But fear not, for Christ's boundless love offers the antidote.

Christ Himself embodied the epitome of humility, washing the feet of His disciples and proclaiming, "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (Matthew 23:12). By humbling ourselves before our Creator, we are bestowed the grace to reflect that humility in our relationships.

As we humbly approach our relationships, let us remember that pride is not confined to overt arrogance. It can manifest as stubbornness, unwillingness to admit fault, and reluctance to extend forgiveness. In these moments, let the light of Christ guide us to self-examination and repentance, allowing the healing balm of humility to mend the wounds that pride has inflicted.

Dear friends, let us strive to mirror Christ's love in our relationships. Just as He emptied Himself for our sake, so should we pour out the vessel of our pride, making room for compassion, understanding, and unity. As we journey together, let us seek solace in prayer, meditating on His word, and fostering a heart open to transformation.

In conclusion, unchecked pride can sow discord and unravel the fabric of relationships. Yet, by embracing the teachings of Christ and humbling ourselves before Him, we can navigate the tumultuous waters of pride and find our way to the serene shores of harmonious and rich relationships. May the grace of Christ illuminate our path and transform our hearts, enabling us to build relationships that reflect His love and grace.

Absolutely, cultivating new habits can lead to personal growth, improved well-being, and a more fulfilling life. Here are ten new habits you might consider adopting:


  1. Morning Routine: Begin your day with intention. Dedicate time to activities like meditation, journaling, or stretching that set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

  2. Gratitude Practice: Each day, reflect on the things you're grateful for. This can shift your focus toward the positive aspects of your life.

  3. Daily Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your routine, whether it's a brisk walk, yoga, or hitting the gym. Regular exercise boosts both physical and mental health.

  4. Healthy Eating: Adopt a balanced and nutritious diet. Make conscious choices to include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

  5. Regular Reading: Dedicate time to reading books, articles, or educational content that inspire personal and intellectual growth.

  6. Digital Detox: Set aside designated times daily to disconnect from screens and engage in face-to-face interactions, hobbies, or relaxation.

  7. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness through meditation or simply by being fully present in your daily activities, helping reduce stress and increase self-awareness.

  8. Random Acts of Kindness: Incorporate kindness into your daily life by performing small acts of kindness for others, whether it's a smile, a compliment, or helping someone in need.

  9. Learn a New Skill: Challenge yourself to learn something new, whether it's a musical instrument, a language, painting, or cooking a new dish.

  10. Reflect and Journal: Spend time reflecting on your day or week, and journal your thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. This practice can aid in self-discovery and personal growth.

Remember, forming new habits takes time and patience. Start with one or two habits that resonate with you and gradually incorporate more as you feel comfortable. Consistency is key, so celebrate your progress along the way and be gentle with yourself if you stumble.

Certainly, recognizing signs of pride within ourselves is crucial to personal growth and fostering healthier relationships. Here are ten signs that might indicate you are walking in pride:

  1. Defensiveness: When you become defensive or resistant to feedback or criticism, it could be a sign of pride preventing you from acknowledging your mistakes.

  2. Inability to Apologize: If you find it difficult to apologize or admit you're wrong, pride might inhibit your humility.

  3. Comparing Yourself: Constantly comparing yourself to others and seeking to be better than them can be a sign of an inflated sense of self-importance.

  4. Dismissing Others' Opinions: Belittling or disregarding the opinions and experiences of others because you think your perspective is superior can indicate pride.

  5. Seeking Validation: Constantly seeking validation or approval from others for your actions can stem from an excessive need for recognition.

  6. Interrupting and Dominating Conversations: If you consistently interrupt others or dominate conversations without giving them space to express themselves, it might be rooted in pride.

  7. Difficulty Asking for Help: If you struggle to ask for help, believing you should handle everything independently, it could be a sign of pride preventing vulnerability.

  8. Blaming Others: Refusing to take responsibility for your actions and always blaming external factors can be a way of protecting your ego.

  9. Reluctance to Learn: Thinking you know everything and refusing to learn from others' experiences or knowledge can signify a closed-minded attitude driven by pride.

  10. Feeling Threatened by Others' Success: Feeling threatened or envious of others' successes instead of genuinely celebrating them might stem from a competitive and prideful mindset.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards overcoming pride and fostering humility. Self-awareness and a willingness to work on these aspects of your character can lead to personal growth and healthier relationships.

In realms where ego's flames burn bright, Resides a force that dims our light. A subtle serpent, sly and vast, It's known to all as treacherous pride.

A poison that blinds our seeking eyes, And veils the truth in clever guise.

It whispers, "You're the best," While leading hearts away from rest.

With head held high and chest puffed out, We miss compassion's gentle route. Pride erects a towering wall, Dividing hearts and causing falls.

It closes our eyes to another's pain And seeks its relentless gain.

In arrogance, it takes its stand, A foe to grace, a gripping hand.

Oh, dangers dire, born of conceit, You sow discord in life's sweet suite. With fractured bonds and shattered ties, The cost of pride, we realize.

Yet, in humility, we find the key, To break the chains and set hearts free. To mend the wounds that pride has caused, And rise above its cunning laws.So let us learn from lessons past, And shun the grip that pride holds fast. For in its shadow, we lose our way, But humility's light can guide our day. Combating pride with a Christ-centered faith involves adopting the teachings of Jesus Christ and incorporating them into your life to cultivate humility and selflessness. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Study the Scriptures: Regularly read and study the Bible, focusing on passages that emphasize humility, selflessness, and the dangers of pride. Reflect on the teachings of Jesus and his example of humility.

  2. Prayer: Engage in prayer not only for your needs but also for guidance in developing humility. Ask for the strength to recognize and overcome prideful thoughts and behaviors.

  3. Meditate on Christ's Example: Study how Jesus lived his life. He consistently demonstrated humility through his actions, such as washing the disciples' feet (John 13:1-17) and sacrificing himself on the cross. Reflect on these actions and seek to emulate them.

  4. Serve Others: Engage in acts of service for others without seeking recognition or praise. This can help shift your focus from yourself to the needs of others, reducing feelings of pride.

  5. Practice Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude to God for your blessings and recognize that everything you have is a gift from Him. This can help you avoid feelings of entitlement and superiority.

  6. Confession and Repentance: When you recognize prideful thoughts or actions in yourself, confess them to God and seek His forgiveness. This process helps you acknowledge your shortcomings and work towards change.

  7. Community and Accountability: Engage with a Christ-centered community such as a church or small group. This provides accountability and support as you strive to grow in humility.

  8. Self-Examination: Regularly reflect on your thoughts, actions, and motives. Ask yourself if they align with Christ's teachings of humility and love. If not, make a conscious effort to change.

  9. Practice Humility: Make intentional efforts to humble yourself in everyday situations. Listen actively to others, consider their perspectives, and avoid seeking attention or praise.

  10. Remember Your Identity in Christ: Recognize that your worth comes from being a child of God, not from achievements, status, or comparison with others. This perspective can help counter feelings of superiority.

  11. Foster a Teachable Spirit: Be open to learning from others, including those who may have different perspectives or experiences. Humility involves acknowledging that you don't have all the answers.

  12. Forgiveness: Practice forgiveness towards those who may have wronged you. This can help release feelings of superiority and resentment.

Remember that combating pride is an ongoing journey that requires consistent effort and self-awareness. Embracing a Christ-centered faith can guide and inspire you to develop a humble and selfless character.

Wrapping up the episode, we shine a light on the integral role of selflessness in relationships, taking cues from scripture and the wisdom it imparts. By fostering habits like active listening and inclusive decision-making, we can each contribute to a more loving and supportive partnership. Stay tuned for our upcoming interviews with couples who embody these principles, as we continue to pursue the true essence of a thriving marriage. Join us, and let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and relationship enrichment together.


Meet: Gil & Renée

Rich Relationships Refuge podcast with Gilbert J and Renée M. Beavers is fantastic because it's the best place to explore the reality of relationships — the good, the bad, and the painful and confusing. This podcast helps to illuminate what it means to be intimate with others and what it teaches people about them. It will make you want to strive for a kinder, more fun relationship with others.

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