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Being my Mini, Me is no way to be free. You don’t want to be like me; look closer, you will undoubtedly see I am jacked up, a total mess from A to Z. Broken, flawed, every part of me in need of Redemption.

You have mistaken His reflection for something it could never be. Human-made glory is a shame, you see! All I have to offer you is disappointment, drama, and pain.

You do not want to be like me! Two of us would drive the world insane! I am the Master’s project. He is continuously performing surgery on me. Desperately, I seem to need every stitch and tuck.

God’s molding and shaping me. He will never give up. Come closer and listen, and I will share His message of forgiveness and restoration.

God is transforming me, turning me into the object of His love and grace. Without Jesus, there’s only junk in my space. Rejection once was my middle name. Jesus made me blameless once I called Him by name.

Be like me? You’re kidding! You have better things to do. Let me introduce you to who makes things do what they do.

I am but a shell that is blessed to house the Master’s gift. My relationships have been a saga of musical chairs with only confusion when I thought I was running the show. Finally, I surrendered and said goodbye to the old me. I had to let her go.

Mini-me? No way! It’s Jesus all the way. Don’t get it twisted. He is the Master, Architect, Creator, Savior, Father, and God. Yes, now you know. He is the beginning and the end. What you see is His reflection shining through a broken me. Jesus gets all the credit; that’s what we were all designed to be. A Display of His Splendor! It’s all God. It’s truly not me.

Read Complete Chapter 1 Corinthians 13:11-13King James Version (KJV)

11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but I put away childish things when I became a man. 12, For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is a charity.

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